Ukrainian Parliament has passed a law criminalizing the smuggling of goods and excisable products, as well as the false declaration of goods


On December 9, 2023, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted in its entirety Draft Law No. 5420 on amending the Criminal Code of Ukraine and the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine, aimed at criminalizing the smuggling of goods and excisable goods. This was reported by the press service of the Verkhovna Rada Apparatus.

It is noted that the adopted law introduces criminal liability for commodity smuggling starting from July 1, 2024, according to the following fine scales:

  1. For commodity smuggling valued from 7.57 to 15.14 million UAH, a fine ranging from 170,000 to 425,000 UAH is stipulated.
  2. In case the value of the goods exceeds 15.14 million UAH, criminal liability is envisaged, including a fine from 850,000 UAH to imprisonment for 11 years with property confiscation.
  3. Sanctions are also established for excisable goods:
  4. For excisable goods valued from 1.136 to 2.271 million UAH, a penalty from 340,000 UAH to 6 years of imprisonment is applicable.

In the case of goods valued above 2.271 million UAH, a fine from 1,275,000 UAH to 12 years of imprisonment with property confiscation is provided.


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