The regulation of virtual assets is being harmonized with EU law


The National Securities and Stock Market Commission has presented a draft law, which relates to amending the Tax Code of Ukraine and other legislative acts of Ukraine with the aim of regulating the circulation of virtual assets in the country.

The draft includes the following:

  • Amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine;
  • A new edition of the Law of Ukraine "On Virtual Assets";
  • Amendments to other legislative acts.

The main purpose of the document is to establish a legal mechanism for regulating virtual assets, defining the scope of legal obligations for market participants that they must adhere to, developing a taxation concept, and ensuring the protection of investors' rights against fraud and other illegal actions in the market.

In the development of the draft, the EU MiCA (Markets in Crypto assets) Regulation was used, which will be implemented in Ukraine.


Since 2006 SCHNEIDER GROUP has been supporting international companies expanding to Ukraine. Our portfolio includes a full scope of services: from market analysis and partner search to complete accounting outsourcing, legal and tax consulting, and interim management services. We take over all non-core business functions so that our clients can focus on developing their business. We help our clients establishing subsidiaries in Ukraine compliant with local legislative requirements and transparent for international management. Our experts offer advice on best practices to optimise processes, reduce risks and minimise costs.

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