The procedure for electronic information interaction between the Unified Register of Conscripts and the State Register of natural persons - taxpayers has been approved


The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, by joint order dated August 21, 2023, under the number 494/446 (registered in the Ministry of Justice on September 5, 2023, under the number 1564/40620), approved the Procedure for electronic information interaction between the Unified State Registration of conscripts and reservists and the State Register of natural persons - taxpayers.

This Procedure regulates the exchange of information between the Ministry of Defense and the State Tax Service and defines the rules for compiling and submitting requests for obtaining information from the State Register of natural persons - taxpayers, necessary for updating the database of the Unified State Registration of conscripts and reservists.

Electronic information interaction is carried out by the Ministry of Defense and the State Tax Service through the use of information systems, means of the electronic interaction system of state electronic information resources "Trembita". If it is not possible to use these information systems, electronic information interaction can be carried out through other information and communication systems using appropriate information protection systems.

The Ministry of Defense and the State Tax Service must also ensure that electronic logs of requests and responses to requests are maintained.

This order will enter into force after its official publication.


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