The National Strategy for solving the problem of gender pay inequality was approved


On September 15, 2023, the Cabinet of Ministers took an important step in the fight against the gender wage gap in Ukraine by approving the National Strategy for the period until 2030 and the operational plan of measures for the period from 2023 to 2025.

The first task is to overcome stereotypes and discrimination based on gender. There are plans for a large-scale information campaign "Of course you can", designed to convince women of their ability to receive adequate payment for their work, conducting educational campaigns on women's awareness of their rights and opportunities. In addition, the implementation of gender audits and the exchange of best practices regarding gender equality in the workplace are planned.

The second important stage is the improvement of legislation on equal pay. Updating labour legislation and introducing the principle of equal pay regardless of gender. It is also envisaged to carry out inspections by the State Labour Office on the basis of complaints about discrimination in wages based on gender.

The third task is to create favourable conditions for a convenient combination of family and professional duties. This means supporting public and private kindergartens and organizations that provide services for older children. It is also planned to improve labour legislation to ensure equal treatment of male and female workers with family responsibilities.


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