The Model form of an employment contract with non-fixed working hours has been approved


The order of the Ministry of Economy dated October 26, 2022 approved the recommended Model form of employment contract with non-fixed working hours.

The form was created in accordance with the Law "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding the Regulation of Labor Relations with Non-Fixed Working Hours", which entered into force on August 10, 2022.

In accordance with the provisions of the Law, an employment contract with non-fixed working hours must contain, in particular, information about:

  • the method and minimum period of notifying the employee about the start of work, which should be sufficient for the employee to start performing his duties in a timely manner;
  • method and maximum period of notification from the employee about readiness to start work or refusal to perform it in the cases provided for in part eight of Article 21-1 of the Labor Code;
  • intervals during which the employee may be required to work (base hours and days).

The number of base hours an employee may be required to work may not exceed 40 hours per week and the number of base days may not exceed 6 days per week.


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