The Law on e-identification and e-trust services was adopted


The Verkhovna Rada adopted the Law under project No. 6173 on mutual recognition of the qualified electronic trust services and implementation of the European Union legislation in the field of electronic identification.

The adoption of this Law is aimed at accelerating Ukraine's integration into the Single Digital Market of the EU, and is the first step towards mutual recognition in the field of electronic identification and electronic trust services.

This Law will open up new electronic opportunities for Ukrainians:

  • the possibility to obtain a qualified electronic signature remotely;
  • a wide range of e-identification tools of all levels of trust;
  • the possibility to use e-trust services even when their provider ceases to operate;
  • access to Ukrainian online services from abroad;
  • it will be possible to submit documents for obtaining an electronic signature at notaries and at TsNAP (TsNAP (in Ukrainian) - administrative services center);
  • data security in information systems that use e-identification tools according to European standards;
  • the possibility of passing the conformity assessment procedure in a foreign conformity assessment body;
  • legal basis for the recognition and use of wallets with digital identification.
Due to the adopted Law, Ukraine and the EU will mutually recognize a qualified electronic signature, although the EU temporarily.

Since 2006 SCHNEIDER GROUP has been supporting international companies expanding to Ukraine. Our portfolio includes a full scope of services: from market analysis and partner search to complete accounting outsourcing, legal and tax consulting, and interim management services. We take over all non-core business functions so that our clients can focus on developing their business. We help our clients establishing subsidiaries in Ukraine compliant with local legislative requirements and transparent for international management. Our experts offer advice on best practices to optimise processes, reduce risks and minimise costs.

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