The Law on Digital Content and Digital Services has been adopted


On August 10, the Verkhovna Rada approved the "Law on Digital Content and Digital Services" under the number 6576.

The law promotes the establishment of legal regulation of civil-law relations between providers of digital content and/or digital services based on a contract and their consumers, as well as the creation of effective legal mechanisms for the protection of consumer rights.

This law contains the following important provisions:

  1. The scope of civil legal relations to which the Law applies is defined.
  2. Objective and subjective criteria have been established, according to which the compliance of digital content and/or digital services with the terms of concluded contracts is assessed.
  3. Determination of the legal consequences of non-fulfilment of the terms of the contract, non-compliance of the provided content and/or services with the conditions specified in the Law, as well as the possibility of withdrawing from the contract.

The adoption of the Law reflects the intention of Ukraine to implement the Directive of the European Parliament and the Council of May 20, 2019 under the number 2019/770 into national legislation. The Directive addresses aspects of contracts for the supply of digital content and digital services and contributes to the effective enforcement and protection of the rights of consumers who use digital content and/or digital services.


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