The law No. 3768-IX "On Amendments to the Labor Code of Ukraine Regarding the Establishment of Additional Grounds for Termination of Employment Contracts at the Employer's Initiative and Certain Other Issues" was published in the newspaper "Holos Ukrainy"


The law comes into force three months after its publication, except for the provision regarding the alignment of regulatory acts by the Cabinet of Ministers, which comes into force the day after publication. Article 40 of the Labor Code "Termination of an Employment Contract at the Initiative of the Employer" is supplemented with the following points:

13. the entry into legal force of a court sentence convicting an employee (except for exemption from punishment with probation) for committing a crime against the foundations of national security of Ukraine;

14. failure of the employee to comply with the rules of conduct at the enterprise, institution, organization in terms of the provisions stipulated in part two of Article 142 of this Code.

The rules of internal labor regulations may include rules of conduct at the enterprise, institution, organization, which contain provisions on the obligations of employees regarding the non-disclosure of restricted access information, including state or commercial secrets, as well as conditions for working with confidential information.

Establishing rules of conduct at enterprises, institutions, organizations that are of strategic importance for the economy and state security, and/or at critical infrastructure facilities or operators, is mandatory.


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