The government simplified the import of military goods


By resolution of February 14, the Government expanded the list of goods that can be imported by individuals and legal entities without the permission of the State Service for Export Control in order to simplify the import of military goods to Ukraine as much as possible.

The following goods have been added to the updated list:

  • UAVs, their components, control devices;
  • robots, robot controllers specially designed for military use;
  • fire control equipment;
  • cameras, night vision and television devices, optical sights for weapons;
  • means of communication, Data Link, silencers, removable clips;
  • parachutes and paragliders;
  • means of demining;
  • radio counteraction equipment or equipment for fighting radio counteraction (including anti-drone guns);
  • field generators "specially designed" or "modified" for military use;
  • military software;
  • specialized equipment for military training or for simulating military scenarios;
  • technologies for the development, production and repair of military goods.

Also, the resolution provides an opportunity, if necessary, to obtain an international import certificate or other guarantee document for the specified group of goods from the State Service for Export Control.


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