The government has announced a special investment mechanism of €8 billion within the four-year EU program aimed at reducing financing risks in priority sectors


On December 4th, consultations were held at the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine with the EU delegation regarding Component II of the Ukraine Facility program for 2024-2027. Component II involves the establishment of a special investment mechanism amounting to €8 billion to mitigate financing risks in priority sectors. This will enable private investors to secure funding for investment projects through international financial institutions.

As explained by the ministry, Ukraine will not directly receive these funds. Financing will be channeled through the EBRD, EIB, and other European international financial institutions, as well as bilateral development agencies. The overall expected volume of investments Ukraine can attract through this instrument is estimated at approximately €40 billion.

"We see this as a significant opportunity to attract and develop the private sector, actively involving it in the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine, and enhancing the efficiency of state investments aimed at economic growth," added Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine Volodymyr Kuzio.


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