The draft Law "On Labor" from the Ministry of Economy


A new draft of the Law of Ukraine "On Labor" was published for discussion on the website of the Ministry of Economy.

The project includes a number of significant changes to the regulation of labor relations, for example:

  • recognition of the employment contract as the main source of regulation of individual labor relations,
  • making changes to the procedure of concluding a mandatory written employment contract,
  • regulation of flexible forms of labor organization,
  • differentiation of collective contractual and individual relations, etc.

During the development of the draft law, the main principles, among others, were called the reduction of state intervention in labor relations, ensuring non-discrimination of employees and the implementation of the principle of equal pay for men and women for work of equal value.

It is also proposed to establish that annual basic paid leave is granted to employees with a duration of at least 28 calendar days for each working year, which is counted from the date of conclusion of the employment contract.

If approved, the document will enter into force six months from the day following its publication. At the same time, a number of laws will lose their validity:

1) Code of Labor Laws of Ukraine;

2) Law "On Payment for Labor";

3) Law "On Determining the Amount of Damage Caused to an Enterprise, Institution, Organization by Theft, Destruction (Damage), Shortage or Loss of Precious Metals, Precious Stones and Currency Values";

4) Law of Ukraine "On Vacations".


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