The draft law "On Consumer Rights Protection" was supported in the first reading


Draft Law No. 6134 "On Consumer Rights Protection" was developed with the aim of approximating the national legislation on the protection of consumer rights to the legislation of the European Union. Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine supported this government initiative and approved the draft law in the first reading on the 6th of October.

The draft law provides for the regulation of consumer rights only in certain areas, which will include, in particular, the field of food products and electronic commerce.

The law will regulate the operation of marketplaces and the amount of mandatory information about products that business entities must provide, as well as specify the rights of consumers in case of product replacement and return. It is also foreseen that the State Production and Consumer Service will be able to block the web pages of business entities in case they violate the law.

In addition, the draft law provides a basis for the participation of public associations in the protection of consumer rights and their involvement in the pre-trial resolution of consumer disputes.


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