Electronic queue at the border


The Ministry of Infrastructure together with the State Border Service and the State Customs Service presented the project "Electronic Border Crossing Queue" to carriers at the border automobile checkpoints.

The system will allow carriers to sign up in advance and arrive at the checkpoint at a pre-arranged time.

It will be possible to register in the electronic queue through a special website. It is currently under development, and will be available in test mode from October.

"Electronic border crossing queue" will be absolutely free. Drivers will not be required to drive to the service area. Where and how to expect to cross the border, the carrier will choose independently, and the system will automatically notify by phone when it is time to approach the checkpoint," says the message published on the Government portal.

In the event that the movement of the queue is delayed or accelerated, the driver will also receive a notification in advance.

Initially, the system will be implemented at only one checkpoint. After testing and refinement, it will be scaled to all checkpoints.

Also, it is planned to create a special application, the functionality of which will be constantly expanded.


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