Current news on Rebuild Ukraine topic


The State Property Fund of Ukraine (SPFU) Plans to Introduce War Insurance During Privatization.

The Head of the SPFU, Vitaliy Koval, announced that the Fund is actively seeking ways to expand export insurance tools to cover war risks for privatized assets. The main goal is to obtain support from MIGA (the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency of the World Bank). Koval emphasized that the state understands the need for comprehensive investment protection and is reaching out to international insurance companies with a proposal to participate in war risk insurance.

The SPFU also urges foreign businesses to show interest in war risk insurance in Ukraine by contacting their insurance agencies. This could help demonstrate to international insurance companies, such as the Czech EGAP, Japan's JICA, as well as export credit agencies from Germany (Euler Hermes), France (Bpifrance Assurance Export), Italy (SACE), the United Kingdom (UK Export Finance), and Sweden (EKN), that there is demand for such services and encourage them to operate in Ukraine.

American Venture Fund Invests in Ukrainian Anti-Drone Systems Developer.

Green Flag Ventures Capital, a venture fund founded by American entrepreneur Justin Ziff and his partner Deborah Fairlamb, has announced an investment in the Ukrainian company Kara Dag Technologies. This developer specializes in creating anti-drone and electronic warfare systems. Kara Dag addresses one of the most critical issues in modern warfare—the threat posed by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Their leading products can detect, track, jam, and neutralize enemy drones with high precision.

The investment from Green Flag Ventures will enable Kara Dag to meet current demand and expand into the rapidly growing international market. While the details of the deal have not been disclosed, the global anti-drone systems market is expected to exceed $10.5 billion by 2030. Kara Dag is well-positioned to meet both current and future demand. The company noted that the partnership with Green Flag Ventures is a significant step that will help scale operations, improve technologies, and expand their impact on the global market, in both military and civilian sectors.

One of the company's products is the Obriy drone detector, capable of detecting drones at a distance of 2.5 to 4 kilometers and alerting users to their approach.

Two Industrial Parks to Attract Over ₴2.3 Billion in Investments, Finnish Company to Launch Construction Materials Production.

Two new industrial parks have been registered in Ukraine, which will create 1,350 jobs: "Sokyryany Industry HUB" in Western Ukraine and "KIT" in Bucha, Kyiv region. The "KIT" industrial park will attract investments totaling ₴1.75 billion and will specialize in the manufacturing industry, including the production of plastic building materials, metal doors, windows, and other products. "Sokyryany Industry HUB" will also focus on producing construction materials, metal structures, electrical equipment, and other technical products. The total investment in this park is expected to reach ₴620 million by 2026, with investors from the UAE and Germany among the participants.

Additionally, the Finnish company Peikko Group Corporation has signed an agreement with the Bila Tserkva Industrial Park to build a plant for the production of concrete joints and composite structures with an area of 2,400 square meters. The facility is scheduled to be operational by the end of the first quarter of 2025, and the plant is expected to supply products to the Ukrainian market.

A "dry port" with an investment of ₴282 million and plans for scaling has started operating in Transcarpathia.

A new powerful enterprise "Terminal Chornotysiv", which functions as a new multimodal terminal ("dry port"), has started work on the territory of the Berehiv district of the Transcarpathian region. It is noted that this terminal is a large logistics hub in the district. The main function of the enterprise is transshipment of various cargoes, in particular, not only agricultural products, oil, but in the future also petroleum products - with the aim of further transportation to recipients in all corners of the world.

The terminal has a good geographical location - close to the border with Hungary and Romania. The company is actively expanding its production processes and intends to increase the volume of goods transshipment several times in 2025. The production area of the enterprise is 14.1 hectares. The total amount of investments made to date is about ₴282 million.

"This project is another confirmation of the high trust of business in state institutions in Transcarpathia and the favorable economic climate in the region," the Regional military adminisration noted.

Ukraine plans to launch the first offshore wind power plants (WEP) and geothermal plants in the coming years.

According to the published National Renewable Energy Action Plan 2030, a full-scale Russian incursion caused the loss of about 25% of installed renewable energy capacity. Wind power plants were particularly affected, 75% of which (approximately 1.4 GW) are located in the occupied territories. In addition, about 14% of solar power plants (over 0.6 GW) are also under occupation.

Despite these difficulties, the share of renewable energy sources remains significant. In 2023, about 10% of electricity in Ukraine will be produced by solar and wind energy. If we take into account large hydropower plants, the total share of renewable energy sources reached 20.3%, which even exceeds the pre-war indicators. During 2022-2023, more than 650 MW of new renewable energy capacities were commissioned in Ukraine.

The goal of the National Plan is to increase the share of RES to 27% in total energy consumption. By this time, the first marine (offshore) wind power plants and geothermal plants should appear in Ukraine. It is expected that the total capacity of wind turbines will reach 6.2 GW, SPPs - 12.2 GW, and geothermal plants - 0.04 GW.


Since 2006 SCHNEIDER GROUP has been supporting international companies expanding to Ukraine. Our portfolio includes a full scope of services: from market analysis and partner search to complete accounting outsourcing, legal and tax consulting, and interim management services. We take over all non-core business functions so that our clients can focus on developing their business. We help our clients establishing subsidiaries in Ukraine compliant with local legislative requirements and transparent for international management. Our experts offer advice on best practices to optimise processes, reduce risks and minimise costs.

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