Current news on Rebuild Ukraine topic


Sweden is ready to support investments in Ukraine

The Swedish government proposes to allocate SEK 333 million for special export credit guarantees for companies that trade with Ukraine. The guarantees will be covered by the Export Credit Agency of Sweden. They will apply to the exports of Swedish companies. The guarantees will be issued from 2024 and will apply to transactions for a maximum of three years, but not later than the end of 2026. For Ukrainian and Swedish companies, this means safer conditions for logistics, protection of investments and receiving compensation in case of force majeure.

USD 15 billion will be needed for Ukraine's rapid reconstruction programs

Only part of the needs was financed this year, the rest of the expenses will be transferred to 2024, the Prime Minister reported.

UAH 62.3 billion has been allocated from the Fund for Elimination of the Consequences of Armed Aggression for various recovery programs. The home recovery program "єВідновлення" (eRecovery) is being actively implemented, to which UAH 4.4 billion is directed. Payments for home repairs have already been approved for 16 thousand Ukrainian families.

Intensive work is also being done with partners to replenish the Fund for Liquidation of the Consequences of Armed Aggression at the expense of confiscated Russian assets. The government also allocated additional UAH 335 million to the Kherson region for liquidation of the consequences of the explosion of the Kakhovka hydroelectric plant.

Japan will help Ukraine with the restoration of infrastructure and the agricultural sector

"In the spring, together with JICA, we signed grant agreements in the amount of about USD 600 million. Our goal is to use these funds to cover urgent needs in the restoration of transport, energy, waste management, water supply and other areas of the economy. In the long term, our cooperation will contribute to the systematic restart of the economy and the return of Ukrainians to their homes," the Ministry of Infrastructure reported.

Officials from the Ministry of Agrarian Policy also met with the JICA delegation. The Senior Vice President of JICA, Naoki Ando, assured of the support and assistance of the Japanese government to Ukraine. In particular, in the issue of humanitarian demining and the restoration of the agricultural sector.

Miyamoto International will build a plant for the disposal of construction ruins in the Kyiv region

The international company Miyamoto International plans to contribute to the creation of a comprehensive system of processing construction waste in the Kyiv region. Efforts are aimed at solving the problem of disposal of building ruins, which are accumulating due to Russian armed aggression.

This initiative corresponds to the strategic goals of the regional government, which seeks to ensure the processing of construction residues using modern technologies for their further use. This project will also contribute to the development of the region's economy.

Representatives of the Kyiv OVA (Kyiv Regional Military Administration) report on the discussion of the proposal of the General Director of Miyamoto International regarding the construction of a complex for waste processing in the Kyiv region, the project of which is already being implemented in Ukraine with the support of international donors, but requires additional preparation, technical and economic feasibility and financing.

Sweden will undertake the development of a "green" transition and recovery plan for Ukraine

The Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) is launching a project to develop a road map for Ukraine to achieve climate neutrality by 2050 through a "green" transition and recovery, the head of the institute's environmental policy team said. According to him, the development of the project is financed by the Swedish government. The road map, in particular, should be developed by June 2025. Further, on the basis of the road map, it is envisaged to "develop a number of specific projects with the participation of specific donors", and this process is planned to be completed in March 2026.

The development of the road map for Ukraine will be based on the principles of the "green" transition adopted in Europe, and it will contain the goals of Ukraine and the mechanisms for achieving them in the short, medium and long term.

Great Britain and Germany are ready to help Ukraine in reconstruction even before the end of the war

The Ministry of Reconstruction, with the support of the government of Great Britain, announced a competition for the selection of Ukrainian communities to support them in the development of recovery plans within the framework of the joint project "Early Recovery of Ukraine". Ten territorial communities that suffered from Russian aggression will be helped to prepare recovery and development plans and the corresponding project and cost documentation.

At the same time, the State Secretary of the Federal Ministry of Economy of Germany, Jochen Flasbart, announced that Germany would allocate EUR 200 million for the reconstruction of Ukraine. According to him, the money will be used for education, health care, restoration of the supply of drinking water, as well as for the reconstruction of cities.

Ukraine needs to attract an additional 4.5 million people for reconstruction

After the war and migration, Ukraine needs to attract at least 4.5 million citizens to restore and rebuild the Ukrainian economy. The government plans to encourage the return of Ukrainians, which will contribute to economic recovery.

"If we manage to do this, we can significantly speed up the recovery process," the Minister of Economy believes.

At the same time, the Cabinet of Ministers is currently not considering options involving labor from other countries and prefers projects that will motivate Ukrainians to return. "Polls say that most people want to return. For this, three conditions are needed: security, housing and work," the minister explained.

Therefore, according to the Minister, the government is working on projects of humanitarian demining, the program of creation or development of the business (“eRobota”), retraining, mortgage lending (“eOselya”).

More than 6 million Ukrainians remain abroad due to the invasion, and up to 3.3 million of them may return.

The European Investment Bank will allocate EUR 450 million to Ukraine for two recovery projects

The first two tranches from the European Investment Bank (EIB) for EUR 100 million of the planned total EUR 450 million may be approved in the near future, approximately by the end of 2023. The funds will be allocated to two projects:

  1. Ukraine Recovery III FL (EUR 250 million, first tranche – EUR 100 million): aimed at financing of critical social and urban infrastructure damaged as a result of Russian aggression;
  2. Ukraine Water Recovery FL (EUR 200 million, first tranche – EUR 100 million): aimed at financing investments in critical water infrastructure in areas directly affected by the war or where a significant number of IDPs (internally displaced persons) live, including measures aimed at overcoming consequences of the destruction of the Kakhovka Dam.

Money from the EIB is allocated within the framework of cooperation with Ukraine, the principles of which are laid down in the Memorandum of Understanding signed on June 21, 2023. The memorandum provides for the allocation of a total of about EUR 840 million in credit funds for the implementation of priority projects for the restoration of Ukraine's infrastructure.


Since 2006 SCHNEIDER GROUP has been supporting international companies expanding to Ukraine. Our portfolio includes a full scope of services: from market analysis and partner search to complete accounting outsourcing, legal and tax consulting, and interim management services. We take over all non-core business functions so that our clients can focus on developing their business. We help our clients establishing subsidiaries in Ukraine compliant with local legislative requirements and transparent for international management. Our experts offer advice on best practices to optimise processes, reduce risks and minimise costs.

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