Business repurposing in connection with wartime


Due to martial law most enterprises are trying to quickly repurpose themselves to meet the needs of the country, so the issue of changing KVEDs (classification of types of economic activity) becomes more urgent.

For some time economic entities were actually deprived of this opportunity due to the martial law, since Resolution No. 314 "Some issues of ensuring the conduct of economic activity under martial law" came into force on 18 March 2022, which in particular stopped the running of the deadlines for applying for public services, defined by legislation, for the period of wartime.

Taking into account these difficulties and the urgent needs of enterprises, the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine ensured the most urgent registration actions from 30 March 2022. First of all, these changes made it possible to change the KVED.

Despite the temporary suspension of application deadlines for receiving public services, failure to make changes to match KVED codes with actual activity may carry certain risks for the enterprise. Taking this into account, we recommend that enterprises wishing to repurpose themselves make timely changes to the KVED codes.


Since 2006 SCHNEIDER GROUP has been supporting international companies expanding to Ukraine. Our portfolio includes a full scope of services: from market analysis and partner search to complete accounting outsourcing, legal and tax consulting, and interim management services. We take over all non-core business functions so that our clients can focus on developing their business. We help our clients establishing subsidiaries in Ukraine compliant with local legislative requirements and transparent for international management. Our experts offer advice on best practices to optimise processes, reduce risks and minimise costs.

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