As of May 18, the updated Law of Ukraine "On Mobilization Preparation and Mobilization" comes into force.


Here are the main changes introduced by the new law:

  1. Preservation of employment for employees going on basic military service.
  2. Introduction of a special procedure for considering lawsuits regarding the restriction of the right to drive during mobilization.
  3. The court may refuse to satisfy requirements regarding the restriction of the right to drive a vehicle during mobilization if such restriction deprives the person of means of livelihood or if the person is disabled or supports disabled persons of I or II groups.
  4. Social protection for servicemen and their families includes:
    • Additional payments according to the sizes determined by the Cabinet of Ministers;
    • Additional leaves;
    • Compensation of a part of the initial contribution for a mortgage loan and additional monetary payments after the first two years of service;
    • Penalty sanctions do not apply to certain categories of loans;
    • Possibility to obtain a certificate for purchasing a car under certain conditions.
  5. Pension provision for servicemen. Counting one month of service as three when a person participated in activities necessary for ensuring the defense of Ukraine and protecting the interests of the state during martial law in areas affected by hostilities for pension calculation.
  6. New responsibilities for local self-government bodies:
    • Communicating mobilization measures to enterprises and the population;
    • Maintaining military records of conscripts and ensuring the sheltering of conscripts during mobilization and martial law.
  7. Amendments to the Law on Mobilization Preparation and Mobilization:
    • Mobilization age reduced to 25 years;
    • Procedure for compensation of damages in case of mobilization of vehicles established;
    • Introduction of citizen registration through a single state register of conscripts;
    • Updated list of grounds for deferment from conscription;
    • Measures introduced regarding citizens evading duties during mobilization;
    • Clarified procedure for sending a demand to a citizen regarding the performance of military duties.
  8. Introduction of basic military training.
  9. Updated grounds for discharge from military service.
  10. Consular actions in Ukrainian diplomatic missions abroad under martial law conditions for applications from male Ukrainian citizens aged 18 to 60 who have not updated their personal data within the deadlines set by this Law are carried out provided their data is updated simultaneously. The validity of military registration documents is verified by the consular official of the foreign diplomatic mission of Ukraine in the manner prescribed by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
  11. Under martial law conditions, the issuance of passports for Ukrainian citizens and passports for travel abroad by a separate unit (branch, representation) of a state enterprise under the management of the State Migration Service of Ukraine, located outside Ukraine, is carried out for male Ukrainian citizens aged 18 to 60, provided that these persons have military registration documents.
  12. A person of male sex under 60 years of age who has not undergone basic military training or military service cannot enter state service for the first time, except for persons recognized as unfit for military service due to health reasons.
  13. Updated requirements and obligations for citizens regarding the update of their own data.
    • Male citizens holding certain positions in state bodies are obliged to register for military service at territorial recruitment and social support centers within 60 days from the date this Law enters into force.
    • Ukrainian citizens who have been abroad for more than three months are also obliged to register for military service within 30 days from the date of entry into force of the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
    • Standards for photo and video documentation of the document presentation process will be applied three months after the publication of this Law.
    • The military registration document obtained before the entry into force of this Law remains valid and does not require mandatory replacement if a new document form appears.
  14. An Electronic Cabinet for conscripts, military servicemen, or reservists will be created. The Cabinet is expected to start functioning from May 18 of this year. However, the Electronic Cabinet for conscripts is not mandatory - it can be created at will, so there will be no punishment for its absence. Electronic summons will not be sent.
  15. The new legislation does not include the term "partially fit." Now those who had the status of "Partially fit for military service" must undergo a re-examination - Medical Examination Board (MEB) - within 9 months. This applies in particular to men of conscription age who were classified as disabled II or III groups after February 24, 2022 - except for military personnel.

    However, regarding caregivers for disabled individuals, the new mobilization law has not changed anything - they are not subject to military conscription if they are eligible for deferment under one of the grounds.


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