Relocated enterprises will be able to extend their loans

As reported by the Ministry of Reintegration press service, the Government has adopted a resolution "On Amending the Procedure for Providing Financial State Support to Business Entities."

The Law on cancellation of fines for erroneous payment of taxes comes into force on March 16, 2024

On March 15, Law No. 3603 was published. According to it, taxpayers are given the opportunity to interact with the State Tax Service via video conferencing, and the fine for incorrectly specifying the wrong budget account in payments is canceled. The law comes into force on March 16.

UkraineInvest took part in webinar “Investment Opportunities in Ukraine”, which was organized by SCHNEIDER GROUP

UkraineInvest took part in webinar “Investment Opportunities in Ukraine”, which was organized by SCHNEIDER GROUP as a part of the series of events dedicated to Rebuild Ukraine topic

Verkhovna Rada has adopted a bill that provides for the simplification of the procedure for establishing and changing the designated use of land plots for certain types of activities

It particularly applies to areas outside populated areas where approved urban planning documentation is absent at the local level.

The National Bank of Ukraine has announced the easing of certain currency restrictions

One of the updated regulations is the clarification of the grounds for banks to track currency control regarding compliance by residents with the NBU-established deadlines for settlements for humanitarian aid import operations.

Since 2006 SCHNEIDER GROUP has been supporting international companies expanding to Ukraine. Our portfolio includes a full scope of services: from market analysis and partner search to complete accounting outsourcing, legal and tax consulting, and interim management services. We take over all non-core business functions so that our clients can focus on developing their business. We help our clients establishing subsidiaries in Ukraine compliant with local legislative requirements and transparent for international management. Our experts offer advice on best practices to optimise processes, reduce risks and minimise costs.

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