Sanctions: what international companies should know while doing business in Ukraine

23 November | 11.00 a.m. (EET)
Language: English

About the event

Dear members of AHK Ukraine,

The world has changed after February 24. Unprecedented sanctions were imposed against the Russian Federation after its blatant military aggression. Additionally to US and EU sanctions Ukraine has also elaborated its own sanctions mechanisms, which are actively applied by the law enforcement bodies.

The AHK Ukraine Legal Committee is cordially inviting you to the webinar, devoted to the sanctions issues "Sanctions: what international companies should know while doing business in Ukraine", to be held on November 23, 2022 at 11.00 a.m. (EET).

Working language: English

Event platform: Zoom

You can register here:


Your access link will be delivered after your registration.

Artem Barinov
Director, Legal & Tax, SCHNEIDER GROUP Ukraine

Event organizer

Rebuild Ukraine: Business Set Up for Potential Investors
Over the next decade, international companies can be directly involved in a long-term rebuilding of the infrastructure, housing, construction, health care, agriculture and green transformation of the Ukrainian economy.
Taking Part in Rebuilding Ukraine Projects
Ukraineā€˜s reconstruction program already brings together strong commitment and business activities from numerous government funding institutions and private companies from around the world.
Rebuild Ukraine. Current Tenders Overview
SCHNEIDER GROUP experts will share their experience with you on how to start work for the supplier in the ProZorro system and also provide current tenders overview.
Investment Opportunities in Ukraine
Supporting Ukraine is an investment in the future member of the European Union.